Constant Forward Momentum

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Little Bit of Sunshine

When I asked BAA (boston athletic association) if I can defer my entrance for a year they said "no, too many runners get running injuries." So, I politely responded and explained that this was no running injury and I was actually hit by a moving vehicle. Their answered remained no.

I can officially defer my acceptance and run next years marathon because of the heat (88 degrees). NOT because of a deadly cab driver, but because of a bit of sunshine. Whatever, i'll take it. I was debating if I was going to run anyways. The weather was REALLY the deciding factor.

This was definitely the best news I have received in 2 months. I went to the expo with a smile on my face (almost) and picked up my number. I partied with my friends and had a great time. Crutch danced, hopped, played the guess what happened to me game. All that good stuff.

After my first surgery I was home for 5 days before I went back into the hospital. During this period I could do literally nothing on my own. I was physically incompetent. Taking 5 steps from my bed to my chair was a struggle. But I got through it with so much support. Though I am no longer physically incompetent (even though I felt it a bit on the Penn Station floor) I would not have made it through this weekend without the same amount of emotion support.

To all of you runners who are powering through the heat tomorrow-- you're incredible. Good luck. I'll see you at the starting line next year. I'm all in.

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