Constant Forward Momentum

Monday, April 30, 2012

Light at the end of the tunnel

Sometimes all the good stuff happens in one day.  
Today was one of those days....

 1) Talked to a new resident about my injury, and he gave me much more time and thought than my usual doctor. Not to mention he was really sexy. MMMMMMM

2) My grumpy, wordless, less sexy doctor told me to walk on my toes and heels and I was able to do it.

3)   He released me to walk with all my weight. Having one crutches at times and no crutches at other WOOOOOOOW FREEEDOM!!!!! Note the video!

4)   According to the doctor in 5 weeks, I will be released to do “whatever I want” (and we all know what I WANT to do)

5) My doctor and PT both expressed such excitement and shock with how much I had progressed in the short amount of time.

6)  I  got cupcakes, donuts, and new summer short shorts to celebrate

7)  BAA emailed me just to confirm I will be running Boston next year. Thanks for the reminder, I almost forgot.

8) I cried with my mom because I was HAPPY. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. For the first time.

I felt more happy and relieved today than I ever have finishing any race in my life. The marathon I’m running right now is so much more challenging than anything in my past. Every major mile marker is a huge accomplishment. 

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