Constant Forward Momentum

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Helping Me Breathe

My beautiful, free willed, loving friend took a 6 hour bus ride today to come see me for the weekend. Damn, I feel pretty lucky she did that FOR me.

I posted that blog entry yesterday pretty nervous about being open to the public about not feeling so great about this. But the amount of support I have gotten today is unreal. People are reaching out to me all over the place, like you wouldn’t believe. I spent so much time thinking yesterday I needed to make myself feel better. When really all I had to do was say it and today everyone in my life did it for me.

Through out this entire experience I have been so pleasantly surprised by the amount of people that have reached out. The people that are close to me have done such extraordinary things and even others have gone out of their way to say and do things to make me feel better. You don’t realize what a difference it makes till your having a rough day and you have 7 texts says “I love you blog” and that alone will get you by or you get a phone call from an old friend who you haven’t talked to in years.

I was hurt around 10PM. My boyfriend was in the car before I knew it and drove through out the night to get to me as soon as he could. I was taken to x-rays, MRI, and catscans where I layed still, alone, and in pain. And then he was there. He sat with me through out the night waiting for the morning surgery. I was on so many meds I had trouble breathing. So he sat next to me, all night, helping me breathe. The machine would beep and then he would grab my hand “breathe, Sarah, breath”

Everyone keeps telling me I need to learn to ask for help. But I don’t really think I need to ask whether it’s a bus ride, a blog read, a text message, or literally helping me breathe. I know you’re all there and that’s beyond helpful.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way when losing my Grandy this month. Hang in there Sarah, you are an amazing girl and are so loved!
